This section describes VBP Compact models. To accelerate adoption of advanced VBP models, the Compact signatories are developing a short menu of VBP models for use in Oregon. The VBP models are being developed by, and will reflect the priorities of, key partners. The VBP Compact activities are designed to create greater model alignment across payers and less administrative burden for provider entities and clinicians in Oregon.
- Primary care model
- Specialty care model
- Hospital model
Additional VBP models, such as for specialty care and hospital care, will be developed in the future, and new content to support implementation of these models will be added to this toolkit.
Learn more about VBP terms by looking at descriptions in the Glossary and consider recommendations in Section I Step 1 Educate your team on VBP terms and models, Section I Step 2 Assess internal interest and understanding of VBP, and Section I Step 3 Assess your readiness for a new or modified VBP model(s) related to educating your team on VBP terms and models and assessing internal interest and understanding of VBP as initial steps in assessing your readiness for a new or modified VBP model.